It’s on! Are you Team Goblin, or are you Team Fairy?

Hello fellow faerie folk! There is a battle brewing between mirth and mischief, and we want to know which side you’re on. Are you Team Goblin? Or are you Team Fairy? Are you down with frogs, snails and puppy dogs’ tails? Or do you delight in sugar, spice, and everything nice?

"Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule!" - Team GoblinWe’re running a survey on SurveyMonkey to find out which side is the most popular among the community. For whichever team gets the most votes by the end of the survey, we will create an original desktop wallpaper, featuring the cute (or creepy) characters from Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! So that means either a Team Goblin wallpaper or a Team Fairy wallpaper. The losing team gets diddly squat…

In addition to casting your vote on the survey, there is a way to earn bonus votes for your team. If you are a member of BoardGameGeek, we have a discussion thread going on in the forums. Just follow the link, and post a reply telling us a compelling reason why YOUR TEAM is the coolest. Why do Fairies rule while Goblins drool? Why are Goblins number one and Fairies no fun? If your reply is good enough, we’ll count it as an extra vote for your team. "Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule!" - Team Fairy

Click here to vote for your team now!

The survey will run from RIGHT NOW until 6:00pm EST on Saturday, June 9th. We will announce the results on the Kickstarter page once they have been tallied. When the wallpaper is ready, we’ll make it FREE for everyone to download. Vote to have a say in which wallpaper you’re going to get!

Survey link:
Discussion on the BoardGameGeek forums link:

Good luck, and let the best team win!

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