Big Big Belly
Your votes have been tallied and… Team Goblin wins by a landslide! Team Goblin received 156 votes +3 bonus votes for a total of 159. Team Fairy received 106 votes +2 bonus votes for a total of 108. The goblins have clearly run amok, and it’s not going to be easy to send them back where they came from. For now, we will have to appease their vanity by creating a special Team Goblin desktop wallpaper. We’ll let you know when the wallpaper is finished and ready to download. In the meantime, you can find a few previously released wallpapers here.
As we begin our last week of this Kickstarter campaign, we want to provide the community another way to have a lasting positive effect on Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! We have a fun idea to add a little extra mileage to the gameplay experience, but to do so we’re going to need the help of your creativity.
We want to add a poem as an optional rule for the game. Each player will recite this poem on their turn, inserting the different card names where appropriate. The idea for the poem was originally suggested by Andreas Pelikan (aka Puschl) in this discussion on BoardGameGeek. A very special “thank you” to you, Andreas, for setting us down this path!

Salamander Snoop
Here is one suggested version of the poem:
(Add a card)
Here comes Gobble T. Goop!
(Flip rhyming cards)
Good night
Lemon Loop,
Salamander Snoop,
and Rainbow Swoop.
(Take matching symbol cards)
Sleep tight
Needs a Shower,
and Poppy Smock.
Here is another version:

Chicken Pock
(Add a card)
Gobble T. Goop jumps inside!
(Flip rhyming cards)
Now flip to hide
Lemon Loop,
and Salamander Snoop.
— or —
Now flip to hide
no-one far and wide.
(Take matching symbol cards)
The Sun will shout:
Needs a Shower out,
Poppy Smock rout,
… is a trout,
— or —
The Sun will shout:
No-one’s about.

Cringe and Cower
I’m willing to bet that you can come up with something even better than this. So send us your ideas! This is your chance to flex those creative muscles and have your clever words repeated at gaming tables around the world. Ideally, the poem will be cute/funny AND help convey what is going on during the actions that the players are performing.
There is no deadline for submitting your ideas, nor is there a limit of how many. We’ll pick our favorite entry (with some possible editing), and add it to the rule book when GDFR! is ready to go to print. You can submit your ideas on the comments page, or in the BGG rules discussion, or by emailing –> contact [at] game-o-gami [dot] com
Can’t wait to see what you come up with! Good Luck,
– David