#KickstarterHour – a weekly crowd-funding discussion on Twitter


Join us for ‪#KickstarterHour on Twitter every Tuesday at 2pm EST (11am PST / 7pm GMT). Wait… “what’s #KickstarterHour”, you ask? Great question!

#KickstarterHour is a weekly community event on Twitter, for discussing Kickstarter projects, trends, opinions, and strategies for creators. The discussions last for one hour each week (so from 2pm to 3pm, EST), involving topics related to Kickstarter specifically and crowd-funding in general, with great questions asked and advice given every Tuesday. Whether you are a Kickstarter project creator, or an enthusiastic Kickstarter backer, you can use the “#KickstarterHour” hashtag in your Tweets to share your thoughts with the crowd-funding community!

Not only is the #KickstarterHour hashtag and weekly discussion a great resource for information and advice on planning Kickstarter projects, it’s also a great place to promote them. Crowd-funding project creators are encouraged to share links to their upcoming or currently running projects during the weekly hour. And since Tuesday is one of the best, if not the best day of the week to launch a Kickstarter campaign, #KickstarterHour falls on the perfect day for newly-launched projects.

#KickstarterHour is new (we’re on our third week), and was inspired by other vibrant Twitter hashtag communities like #BoardGameHour and #IndieDevHour (yes, you should go check them out!) There are also various Kickstarter-related groups on Facebook, which are active with a wealth of knowledge, advice, and opinions pertaining to crowd-funding being discussed every day. #KickstarterHour aspires to be just as useful a resource, all packed into one hour a week.


If you find reading and replying to hashtag streams on Twitter to be cumbersome, there’s a great website called “Nurph”, which allows you to connect your Twitter account to join in conversations through a chat room interface. #KickstarterHour already has a chat room on Nurph, just use your Twitter account to log in and join the discussion.

You can also look at upcoming #KickstarterHour chats through Nurph and RSVP there. Our topic for this Tuesday (March 10, 2015) will be: Finding, Building, and Growing your Crowd.

The hosts of #KickstarterHour are @gameogami and @bbshahriari – you can follow and tweet us for more info about getting involved in the discussions, and ask us any questions you might have about the Kickstarter community on Twitter. #KickstarterHour also has its own dedicated Twitter account, @KickstarterHour – which you can follow for news about upcoming discussions, and for retweets of the best content from each week’s discussion.

See You Next Tuesday! (that’s how you spell that, right?)

– David L. Sanhueza (@gameogami on Twitter)



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